It is possible to order the single bottle. We recommend that you order bottles in multiples of 6.
The shipping cost changes every 6 bottles.

Lentil soup with lentils from Villalba with Quadrucci
08/12/2014 - Ingredients for 4 people: - 250 g lentils from Villalba "Fastuchera" - 50 g quadrucci from Tumminia wheat "Fastuchera" - Organic extra virgin olive oil "Clivio degli Ulivi" - 1/2 onion - Salt from Trapani - 150 g pancetta "Az. Agricola Pontoglio"
Articolo tratto da: OIP Editorial Department

Villalba is a small town in the province of Caltanissetta in the heart of Sicily. This lentil variety produces very large and flat lentils that contain a lot of sodium, calcium, and especially iron.

Ingredients for 4 people:
- 250 g lentils from Villalba "Fastuchera"
- 50 g quadrucci from Tumminia wheat "Fastuchera"
- organic extra virgin olive oil "Clivio degli Ulivi"
- 1/2 onion
- salt from Trapani
- 150 g pancetta "Az. Agricola Pontoglio"

These lentils do not need to be soaked. In Give 1.5 liters of water and the lentils in a saucepans and cook for 1 hour.

Cut the onion and pancetta into cubes and fry with 3 tablespoons olive oil for 10 minutes in a pan.

Chop 1/3 of the lenses in a blender and add to the soup. Add the pancetta and the onion. Add the quadrucci and simmer the soup for 5 minutes. Season with crude oil.

Recommended wine: Arduo IGP Monte net - Pratum Coller


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